History |

on Image to Enlarge |
Buddies |
Pioneers: George W. Bush's $100,000 Club |
W. Bush's fundraising centers around his network of Pioneers,
each of whom has raised at least $100,000. As of July 15, the
Bush campaign has released the names of 212 Pioneers*. TPJ has
identified, researched and profiled each of these individuals,
whom Bush relies upon as his leading conduits of political cash. |
Finally Got Our Frankenstein... and He Was In a Spider Hole!
-- by Michael Moore |
used to like Saddam. We LOVED Saddam. We funded him. We armed
him. We helped him gas Iranian troops. |
on George and Drugs |
can it possibly be that both George Bush and James Bath were
suspended from the same unit within a month of one another for
the same reason? There has to be a connection. Besides the fear
of a military drug test, is it possible that Bush couldn't attend
at the National Guard because he was under a court order to
do charity work? Was Bath involved in the same incident? Shouldn't
this be investigated? |
DeLay's Amoral Code |
Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who is hands-down one of the most
corrupt politicians in the United States. "The Hammer"
DeLay got that nickname because he runs the US House
of Representatives with an iron fist has allegedly bribed
his GOP colleagues to win their votes for legislation that he
desperately wanted to pass in the House. He has engaged in quid
pro quos with corporations seeking legislative favors, and violated
campaign finance laws in Texas during the 2002 state house election
contests. |
Lay |
President's Denials, Enron & Lay Were Early Backers of Bush |
George W. Bush revised history yesterday when he said that Enron
CEO Ken Lay "was a supporter of Ann Richards in my [gubernatorial]
run in 1994." While Richards received $19,500 from Enron
sources in that campaign, according to the Dallas Morning News,
Bush received far more Lay and Enron money. |
seeking Lay indictment |
prosecutors plan to ask a grand jury to indict Ken Lay on charges
relating to the last few months he was at the helm of Enron
as the company spiralled into its stunning 2001 collapse. |
Ex-Chief Lay Indicted, to Surrender |
Enron Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Kenneth Lay, who grew
the company into an energy trading giant that became the ultimate
symbol of corporate wrongdoing and greed, was indicted on Wednesday
and said he would surrender to authorities. |
Profiles: George W. Bush's $100,000 Club |
$550,025 that the Enron Corp. gave Bush over the years makes
it his No. 1 career patron, according to the Center for Public
Integrity. Virtually every
aspect of Enrons
operations is overseen by the federal government, a 96
Dallas Morning News story noted. Not surprisingly, this global
natural gas giant and its top executive are big political contributors
who keep revolving doors whirling. |
JOLT-G.W. Bush = Ken Lay |
24, 2002, The reporters in Washington all want to know about
President George W. Bushs long-standing relationship with
Lay and whether Lay parlayed that relationship into government
help in keeping his complex energy-trading firm alive. |
L. Lay (with Linda P.) March 5, 2001 |
addition to being one of the single largest financial backers
of George W. Bush's political career, Ken Lay can count himself
among the president's closest friends. Letters written while
Bush was governor of Texas and obtained by Mother Jones reveal
that the Enron Corp. chairman regularly wrote Bush and called
upon the governor for favors. |
and Ken Lay: Slip Slidin' Away, By Sam Parry February 6, 2002 |
W. Bush is trying to rewrite the history of his and his familys
relationship with Enron Corp.s disgraced former Chairman
Kenneth Lay. So far, Bush has enjoyed fairly good success as
the U.S. news media has largely accepted the White House spin.
But the reality, as established by a wealth of historical record
and recent disclosures, is that Lay and Enron were instrumental
in Bushs rise to power and Bush played an important
behind-the-scenes role in advancing Enrons aggressive
deregulation agenda, which helped the energy trader ascend to
its lofty perch as the seventh-biggest U.S. company. |
R. Bath |
Ancestor of the Iran/Contra Scandal |
. . Bath had told me that he had used Saudi money to fund George
Bush Juniors start up in the Energy business." |
R. Bath-Wikipedia Bio |
R. Bath was a former director of BCCI, and part owner of Arbusto
Energy. Arbusto was formed by George W. Bush, with whom Bath
served as a member of the Texas Air National Guard. Like Bush,
Bath was suspended from flying status in 1972 for failing to
accomplish his annual medical examination. |
James R. USA, Business Person |
about J.R.Bath business dealings |
R. Bath's Friends |
world of Bath |
in Texas |
Home |
W. Bush loves baseball. And why not? After all, baseball has
been very good to the governor. When it comes to power, the
governor is a true triple-threat. Consider his record: (1) His
initial baseball investment of $600,000 carries the current
potential of a 2,500 percent return. (2) Through savvy P.R.
and political maneuvering, he and his partners have persuaded
a city and the state to directly subsidize a facility for their
business. (3) Not content with taxpayer subsidies, he and his
fellow owners have also successfully used the power of government
to take land from other private citizens so it could be used
for their own private purposes. |
Deals Catch Up with Bush |
of Bushs fishiest moves as a businessman who failed upward
in the oil industry occurred in 1990, when Bush was on the board
of directors and the audit committee of Dallas-based Harken
Energy. |
W. Bush's Dubious Friends |
article below by the authoritative Intelligence Newsletter outlines
George W. Bush's business contacts with the bin Laden family
when he was in Texas oil and politics. A former business partner
"who helped to finance his campaign at the time and later
bought into two of Bush's companies,.... represented the financial
interests of the Saudi Arabian sheikh Salem Bin Laden in the
United States. Father of Osama Bin Laden" |
Former Oil Company Linked To bin Laden Family |
President George W. Bush froze assets connected to Osama bin
Laden, he didn't tell the American people that the terrorist
mastermind's late brother was an investor in the president's
former oil business in Texas. He also hasn't leveled with the
American public about his financial connections to a host of
shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun smuggling,
and terrorist networks. |
Observer readers are familiar with much of the ground [Charles]
Lewis covers in The Buying of the President 2000 [Avon Press],
including accounts of how he:
made $15 million off the Texas Rangers deal with the help of
$135 million in corporate welfare from Arlington taxpayers;
took $4.5 million from the business interests clamoring for
"tort reform" and rewarded them with laws that make
it harder to sue irresponsible businesses; and
invited oil industry executives to develop a do-nothing public
relations response to the "grandfathered" air pollution
problem in Texas. |
of Some of the Major Players |
Israeli Lobby Advisors |
is very important to know the identity of these pro-Israeli
officials within the administration in order to understand who
is behind this war-mongering and realizing that is serving Israeli
interests, not American interests. |
Focus: Who, and what, is behind America's recurrent drive to
war? |
his government's decision to invade Iraq on entirely spurious
grounds, US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declared, "I
know in my heart and brain that America ain't what's wrong in
the world." |
isn't an aberration, the policy of hawks and neo-conservatives
in power. And the reason why is war is good for business. |
Crazies Are Back:
Bush Sr.s CIA Briefer Recalls How the First Bush Administration
Referred to Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney |
same people that were there during the Reagan-Bush years and
even before, the Wolfowitzes the Rumsfelds, Cheneys were there
then. What was George Bush Sr.'s view of these people then?
The crazies. |
The Sunshine Warrior |
Of Paul Wolfowitz |
of Deceit |
felons responsible for thousands of deaths are calling the shots
at the White House |
Favorite Terrorist Buddy &
Carlyle Group (Bush, Sr. Etc) Profits Increasing From Afghan
War |
the brazen Al-Arian family of Tampa, Fla. During a campaign
speech in Tampa last year, candidate Bush singled his son
Abdullah, out in the crowd, Bush and wife Laura posed for
pictures with the Arian family,The problem is, Dr. Al-Arian
is the U.S. frontman for one of the largest terrorist-group
coalitions in the world, Islamic Jihad.
Orwellian Olsens |
Bushworld It's their reality. We just live and die in it.
In Bushworld, you get to strut around like a tough military
guy and paint your rival as a chicken hawk, even though he's
the one who won medals in combat and was praised by his superior
officers for fulfilling all his obligations.