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Stating the Obvious
The Financial Times suggests that "more extreme Republicans" actually want a fiscal train wreck: "Proposing to slash federal spending, particularly on social programs, is a tricky electoral proposition, but a fiscal crisis offers the tantalizing prospect of forcing such cuts through the back door."
Going Strong-SEC settlement illustrates the "we work harder, they get the money" Bush recovery
"The distribution of economic gains is upside-down in this recovery, compared to previous ones. Profits received a larger share of national income than wages. Hence, profits soared to new record highs amid the first 'job loss' recovery since the Great Depression. Adding to families' woes were rapidly rising costs; housing education and medical care jumped at double-digit rates in recent years. To maintain consumption levels, many families borrowed more.
The Middle-Class Squeeze
When we start looking at the financial pressures on middle-class families, it's easy to see why the President's approval ratings are down on economic leadership. Though employment is on the increase, so are college tuition, property taxes, gas, milk and oil prices, the cost of health insurance and childcare, credit card debt and bankruptcy filings. Owning your own home and a station wagon, knowing you could send your kids to college, feeling secure about a retirement that awaited you; that's what it used to mean to be middle class in America. Today, it's a different story.
The department of what?
The department in 2004 isn't the Labor Department of its founding during the Progressive era and its growth during the New Deal. This department seems more interested in making life easier for employers than for employees.
Scams, Lies, Deceit, and Offshoring
  Often, American companies will lay people off, only to train newcomers to replace them.
Bush economic report praises 'outsourcing' jobs
The movement of U.S. factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said yesterday.
  Across America, War Means Jobs
  In the first three months of this year, defense work accounted for nearly 16 percent of the nation's economic growth, according to the Commerce Department.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Bush's Statistics
Measured the traditional way, the Post found that about 60 percent of the benefits would go to the top 20 percent of earners, while the bottom 40 percent would wind up with only 9 percent.
Medicare cost analyst says he was ordered to provide skewed figures
The nation's top Medicare cost analyst confirmed Friday that his former boss, Thomas Scully, ordered him to withhold from lawmakers unfavorable cost estimates about the Medicare prescription drug bill. He said the estimates exceeded what Congress seemed willing to accept by more than $100 billion.
  Follow The Money The Institute on Money in State Politics
  Articles on Campaign Financing
  The Tax-Cut Con
  A result of the tax-cut crusade is that there is now a fundamental mismatch between the benefits Americans expect to receive from the government and the revenues government collect. This mismatch is already having profound effects at the state and local levels: teachers and policemen are being laid off and children are being denied health insurance.
Bush Plan Eyes Cuts for Schools, Veterans
The Bush administration has told officials who oversee federal education, domestic security, veterans and other programs to prepare preliminary 2006 budgets that would cut spending after the presidential election, according to White House documents.
  Mr. Bush and the Economy
  Some of Mr. Bush's policies sound attractive. But despite more than three years in office, he has failed to act on some of them -- even though most were featured during his last campaign. On Social Security reform, for example, Mr. Bush convened an expert commission and then did nothing.
  Bush’s Treasury Department regurgitates blatant corporate nonsense about taxes
Treasury’s assistant secretary for tax policy Pamela Olson informed the National Foreign Trade Council that in her view, America’s tax laws are far too tough on corporations.
Olson might have had second thoughts about her speech had she simply read the newspapers, where she would have found countless stories about big American corporations slashing their taxes to little or nothing through various tax shelters and loopholes.
The Bermuda Project.com/
Corporations using offshore tax dodges are deserting America in a time of trouble, says the Bermuda Project. As Americans prepare to pay their taxes, corporate fat cats are abandoning our country to avoid paying their fair share.
Articles About Corpoate Tax Dodges
Bush Can't Provide Proof To Support His Jobs Claim
According to the Bureau of National Affairs, "White House officials were unable to point to any specific information that supports a direct link between massive job losses and the attacks"
The Truth About the Drug Companies
Prescription drug costs are indeed high—and rising fast. Americans now spend a staggering $200 billion a year on prescription drugs, and that figure is growing at a rate of about 12 percent a year (down from a high of 18 percent in 1999).[1] Drugs are the fastest-growing part of the health care bill—which itself is rising at an alarming rate.
An Entire Class of Thieves
Now, there was indeed a vast criminal class coming to full vicious potential in the 1990s: a group utterly vacant of the most elementary instincts of social propriety, devoid of moral fiber, selfish to an almost unfathomable degree. The class comes in the form of our corporate elite.
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