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Freedoms Under Fire
"There ought to be limits to freedom."-George Bush, 1999
Bush criticizes Web site as malicious
Saying "there ought to be limits to freedom," Gov. George W. Bush has filed a legal complaint against the owners of a Web site that lampoons his White House bid.
Presidential contender's reaction to parody Web site backfires
The parody George W. Bush Web site has gotten 6,451,466 hits during the first 25 days of May, thanks in part to the story's front-page treatment by The New York Times online edition, Exley said yesterday. Meanwhile, the real George W. Bush Web site has gotten about 30,000 hits in May, according to Bush spokeswoman Mindy Tucker.
"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush-December 18, 2000
If I Were a Dictator... by GEORGE W. BUSH
George W. Bush has stated he'd prefer to be a dictator at least three times
America The Free - Or Is It Under The Bush Dynasty
What it means if the Homeland Security Department is approved by the Senate? It will place the FBI, CIA, NSA and 22 other government agencies under the control of one man and one man only.
Justice Dept. Drafts Sweeping Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Act. Center Publishes Secret Draft of ‘Patriot II’ Legislation
The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information.
“Free-Speech Zone” The administration quarantines dissent.
On Dec. 6, 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft informed the Senate Judiciary Committee, “To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty … your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and … give ammunition to America’s enemies.” Some commentators feared that Ashcroft’s statement, which was vetted beforehand by top lawyers at the Justice Department, signaled that this White House would take a far more hostile view towards opponents than did recent presidents. And indeed, some Bush administration policies indicate that Ashcroft’s comment was not a mere throwaway line.
Secrecy Plan
Keeping information from Congress and other government agencies is nothing new to this White House, however. Going further back in President Bush's term, many lawmakers -- both Republicans and Democrats -- complained that they learned more from the media than from intelligence briefings on the Hill after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Bush Administration Thwarts Access
Excerpt from The Buying of the President 2004 Shows the White House's Propensity for Secrecy
Bush Clamping Down On Presidential Papers
The Bush White House has drafted an executive order that would usher in a new era of secrecy for presidential records and allow an incumbent president to withhold a former president's papers even if the former president wanted to make them public.
The Presidential Records Act was passed in 1978 to make Presidential records the property of the public and to assure that these records are released to the public in a timely manner. On November 1, 2001, however, President Bush issued Executive Order 13233 which significantly curtails the disclosure of Presidential records under the Presidential Records Act. Under the new executive order, former Presidents are given virtually unlimited discretion to withhold their records indefinitely.
News.com reports that the House is scheduled to vote on proposal which could result in the owners of misleading domain names being jailed for up to 2 years.
Patriot Act
The clumsily-titled Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act, or USAPA) introduced a plethora of legislative changes which significantly increased the surveillance and investigative powers of law enforcement agencies in the United States. The Act did not, however, provide for the system of checks and balances that traditionally safeguards civil liberties in the face of such legislation.
Declarations of Independence
But seldom before has there been so widespread a refusal to trust the national government—cutting across political, religious, ethnic, and other divisions—as the current rising refusal, even during a war on international terrorism, to yield to the Bush administration's subversions of the Constitution in the urgent cause of national security.
Patriot Act II (draft)
Draft--January 9, 2003
Bush's Double Vision on Privacy
There are good guys and bad guys. Us and them. Except, that is, when it comes to personal privacy. Two major news stories in late April have highlighted the Bush Administration's flip-flop approach to privacy protection -- what I call suit-yourself privacy.
CA Energy Scam Fraud Traced To White House
How California's energy scam was inextricably linked to a war for oil scheme...
Michael Moore
Report-Disney Blocking Anti-Bush Documentary
Oscar-winning filmmaker Michael Moore's documentary linking President Bush with powerful Saudi families, including that of Osama bin Laden, is stirring up controversy even before its release.
Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11 is due to hit theatres on June 25th. But that hasn't stopped a campaign from being launched to intimidate theatre owners into not booking the film:
Conservatives launch pre-emptive strike against documentary critical of Bush 'Fahrenheit 9/11' called propaganda
The California-based organization, called Move America Forward, is headed by former GOP Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian and aided by Melanie Morgan, a talk show host on KSFO 560 AM, both of whom had high-profile roles in support of last year's recall election of former Democratic Gov. Gray Davis.
Republican dirty tricksters join the Motion Picture Association of America to stop Americans from seeing Michael Moore’s new movie, “Fahrenheit 9/11.”
The award winning movie Fahrenheit 9/11 exposes financial connections between President George W. Bush’s family, its associates, and prominent Saudi Arabian families including that of Osama bin Laden. The latter is blamed for masterminding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC. The movie also exposes the Bush administration’s role in evacuating Osama bin Laden's relatives from the US immediately after the September 11 attacks.
Valerie Plame (Joseph Wilson's Wife)
Bush Knew About Leak of CIA Operative's Name
Witnesses told a federal grand jury President George W. Bush knew about, and took no action to stop, the release of a covert CIA operative's name to a journalist in an attempt to discredit her husband, a critic of administration policy in Iraq.
Cheney's Staff Focus of Probe
Federal law-enforcement officials said that they have developed hard evidence of possible criminal misconduct by two employees of Vice President Dick Cheney's office related to the unlawful exposure of a CIA officer's identity last year. The investigation, which is continuing, could lead to indictments, a Justice Department official said.
Cheney Chief-of-Staff Named as Spy-gate Leaker
MSNBC'S Buchanan & Press scored a major scoop on Wednesday, all but unmasking the high government official who "outed" a CIA operative via a July 14 column by Robert Novak. Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst who worked with Valerie Plame, the reported agent, all but identified "Scooter" Libby as the government official who outed her – and at least one other in the Vice President's office.
Cheney staff accused of role in CIA leak
In new book, Joseph Wilson names administration officials who may have leaked wife's job.
The CIA leak-Robert Novak
The leak now under Justice Department investigation is described by former Ambassador Wilson and critics of President Bush's Iraq policy as a reprehensible effort to silence them.
Bill Mahr
Politically Correct After All
The boys at NewsMax backpedal on their war against Bill Maher after finally figuring out they agree with him.
Dixie Chicks
Political controversy
A controversy has arisen regarding exactly who was responsible for launching the boycott of their music and the extent their fans supported the boycott. Some critics of the boycott, such as Michael Moore, claim the boycott was not a product of large numbers of fans angry at their comments but an organized plot by Bush supporting radio chain executives and the Republican party leadership.
Florida 2000 Election
How the Grinch stole America
Every Vote down in Voteville liked Voting a Lot,
But the GRINCH, who lived West of Voteville,
did Not.
U.S. presidential election, 2000
Comprehensive Analysis
URL's on the 2000 US Presidential Elections
This is a complete list of the URL's about the 2000 US presidential elections, including the voting irregularities in Florida, that I have listed in messages to the Red Rock Eater News Service. They are in reverse chronological order.
Timeline-2000 Election
The Legacy of Robbing elections
Ronald Reagan, in 1979, sent George Bush, Richard Allen, and Donald Greg to two meetings, one in Paris France and one in Washington DC, to insure Carter was not re-elected. They negotiated with Manchari Gorbanifar (Iranian arms dealer), Bani Sadr (president of Iran and political puppet of the Kohmeni regime), Albert Hakim (arms dealer), and Hashem (diplomat of the Iranian government). Reagan's team promised that the US federal government would sell over one billion US dollars in American weapons to Iran if Iran would not release the American hostages until after the 1980 presidential election.
KATHERINE HARRIS, as Secretary, etc., et al.-PDF
Recount shows Gore had won
Fresh evidence has emerged in Florida that Al Gore might have won last year's presidential election under a less contentious voting system, and if the US supreme court had not stepped in to stop the recount.
Fla. 'Overvotes' Hit Democrats The Hardest
Gore 3 Times as Likely as Bush To Be Listed on Tossed Ballots
Florida voters who spoiled their ballots because they punched more than one presidential candidate's name were three times as likely to have included Vice President Gore as one of their choices as George W. Bush, a Washington Post analysis has found.
Right-wing coup that shames America
Continuing unofficial counts reveal the full extent of Al Gore's lead and the massive abuses that have put George W. Bush into power
Jeb Bush grilled on voting irregularities
Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida and brother of president-elect George W Bush, was hauled in front of the US civil rights commission yesterday to face questions about the irregularities which allegedly discriminated against voters from ethnic minorities.
Jeb Bush blamed for unfair Florida election
Thousands of black electors in Florida were disenfranchised in last November's election by an electoral system tainted by "injustice, ineptitude and inefficiency" a leaked report by the US civil rights commission says.
It accuses Governor Jeb Bush, the president's brother, and his secretary of state, Katherine Harris, of "gross dereliction" of duty, saying they "chose to ignore mounting evidence" of the problems.
Transcript: Vice Presidential Debate in Danville, Ky.
Following is the complete transcript of the vice presidential debate between Richard B. Cheney (R) and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.).
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
In the opening excerpts from Palast's book we learned that five months before the November 2000 election, Governor Jeb Bush of Florida and his Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, moved to purge 57,700 people from the voter rolls, supposedly criminals not allowed to vote. Almost every one was innocent of crimes.
US election 2000
"The American people have spoken," said Bill Clinton shortly after election day. "It's too bad it's going to take a little while to determine what it was they had to say."
Judge says court was close to backing Gore
George Bush might have been prevented from entering the White House if a US supreme court judge had had another day to work on persuading his colleagues, according to a new book.
ELECTION FRAUD 2002 Many Relevant Articles
"There are no documented cases of electronic vote-rigging occurring anywhere in the country, but only because it's nearly impossible to prove."
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